Many unearthed cultural relics are set forth in the exhibition hall.
Preceded by the beadle, and attended by an irregular procession of stern-browed men and unkindly-visaged women, Hester Prynne set forth towards the place appointed for her punishment.
This is our moment for setting forth.
The law itself has already been set forth.
It also sets forth guarantees for worker retraining, higher education, health care and retirement benefits.
Twenty minutes later we set forth.
二十分钟后, 出发。
He set forth an idealistic view of society.
The absolute relation, then, is set forth in tragedy.
No longer an outpost where pioneers set forth to conquer the wild west, today visitors find plenty of adventure right here.
I declined the suggestion, however, in spite of the advantages he so attractively set forth.
然而,拒绝这个建议, 尽管他如此有吸引力地阐述优点。
The chairman set forth his opinion and the discussion set out.
She knew that opening the box was irreversible – but alongside the strife, she'd set hope forth to temper its effects.
They were about to set forth on a voyage into the unknown.
No, hang on.I followed all the protocols set forth by you in the relationship agreement.
等下 你在恋爱协议中制定的所有规定 都遵守。
On the far side of the river a hawk set forth from the cliffs whistling thinly.
在河的另一边, 一只鹰从悬崖上飞出, 发出微弱的口哨声。
" Present your case, " says the Lord. " Set forth your arguments, " says Jacob's King.
耶和华对假神说:" 你要呈上你的案件,雅各的君说:你要声明你确实的理由。
I see myself, after a long day of work and loneliness, setting forth from my lodging.
看到自己, 在一整天的工作和孤独之后, 从的住所出发。
Meriem at first insisted upon setting forth herself in search of Korak, but Bwana prevailed upon her to wait.
Meriem 起初坚持要自己去寻找 Korak,但 Bwana 说服她等待。
The remedies for the evils which they endured were then set forth in detail.
We're creep up on a million subscribers and that's when I'll have to do a challenge set forth by one of you.
I did not want to hear that I could not set forth and seek Hallows with a fragile and unstable sister in tow.
This being considered a good precaution, soon after breakfast he and I set forth, without saying anything at the tavern.